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Men’s Health- 5 Reasons Why Masturbation is Healthy for You

Men’s health- 5 reasons masturbation is healthy for you

Source: Men’s Health

Do you enjoy masturbation? This isn’t a trick question, yet there plenty of people who would vigorously shake their head no whether they do or not. For reasons that often have more to do with personal values and stigma, masturbation has been a taboo subject for centuries. In this article, I will give you 5 reasons why male masturbation can improve your health in the short and long terms.

Reason #1: Masturbation Can Boost Your Mood

Orgasms release feel good hormones that can improve your mood

Imagine if there was a natural way to change your brain chemistry (albeit temporarily) to improve your mood and overall health. Before we get into how this process is connected to jerking off, let’s get into the weeds a bit about some of the senior players that control your mood. These players are hormones and neurotransmitters like cortisol, dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin and endorphins. For more information about what each of these hormones do, read this Men’s Health article.

Releasing these feel good hormones contributes to balanced levels of cortisol, increased positive mood, and a brief period of euphoria similar to runner’s high. In short, engaging in the five knuckle shuffle not only feels good to your body but also produces measurable health benefits for your brain chemistry.

Reason #2: Masturbation Is a Natural Sleep Aid

Masturbation is a natural sleep aid

If you find yourself tossing and turning throughout the night, consider tossing one off! In addition to serotonin and oxytocin, ejaculation releases another feel good chemical, prolactin, and all three produce a feeling of drowsiness. Additionally, masturbation can facilitate an optimal mental state for sleeping because it forces you to clear your mind of any wandering thoughts to achieve orgasm.

Of course, I can’t guarantee this strategy will work every time especially if there are underlying issues contributing to insomnia like intrusive or racing thoughts. In those cases, I would suggest speaking with your primary care provider so you can rule out other physical issues before considering medication to aid with sleep.

Source: Men’s Health

Reason #3 Masturbation Can Prevent Sexual Dysfunction

Masturbation can treat common symptoms of sexual dysfunction including premature ejaculation

Most men will experience premature ejaculation at some point in their lives. Taking yourself to the Palm Prom on a regular basis can help reduce or eliminate this problem. One way masturbation helps with PE is that it gives you endless opportunities to work on your timing when you ultimately ejaculate. This alone will do wonders for confidence in your own performance as you will feel more in control of your body whether with solo play or the real thing.

As with everything else, practice makes perfect, so burp the worm frequently for maximum benefit. Several factors contribute to a good or bad experience, so make sure you give a variety techniques and adjust your speed/grip to explore what feels good to you. You may also consider trying different sensation/sensitivity gels, lubricants, or if you are feeling brave, give toy play a shot.

Reason #4: Masturbation Improves Sex Life Overall

Masturbation gives you more sexual self-awareness

Masturbation does not imply a lack of sex life or libido. In fact, this study from an article in Men’s Health written by Daniel Sher revealed that students who rubbed one out more frequently also had sex more often! Jerking off also helps you get to know what your body likes and doesn’t like. This is very useful information to have because it allows you to tell your partner what you like rather than figuring it out with them in the moment (mood killer).

Additionally, masturbation helps build your pelvic floor, which gives you more control with timing your orgasms. Being in control of the timing allows for longer encounters and sustained erections. In short, you can go longer and harder for a much longer period of time. What’s not to like?

Reason #5: Masturbation Reduces Risk of Prostate Cancer

Masturbation reduces risk of health complications

Prostate cancer is a fairly common concern for men at some point in their lives. Pulling your pud is a good way to reduce risk of this disease by increasing the frequency of your ejaculation, according to this study. Essentially, the increased ejaculation results in your prostate flushing more potentially cancer-causing cells than it would with no masturbation activity at all.

According to this Men’s Health article on the subject, whacking off also improves overall immune function. The recurring theme with this subject is that a lot of hormones are released post-ejaculation. Aside from the earlier examples, hormones that are necessary for overall healthy functioning are released after you finish.

In conclusion

In summary, masturbation is not only “normal” and natural, but also provides several health benefits outlined in this article and beyond. If you found this article helpful and would like to learn more, consider reaching out to schedule an appointment with the contact information at the top of the page. You can also find me on Twitter with the username @PrismLasVegas

Peace out, Girl Scout

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